Bernd 06/15/2020 (Mon) 18:38:01 No.37844 del
>Seems like the burgundians were up to no good, who the fuck were they?
The Burgundians themselves were descendants of a group of people that left Bornholm (Burgundaholm), likely after they were kicked out of their island by the Danes, and then were pushed all the way to eastern France by the Huns, where they founded the province of Bourgogne. They were essentially a mix of Eastern Germans and Huns. The leaders however were Franks whom absorbed Roman and some jewish blood as time went on, their duchy being established in 843. Their story is pretty complicated as it is, Wikipedia hardly explains it:
Essentially, France and the HRE absorbed Lotharingia, or former "Middle Francia", which stretched through the "Blue Banana" region of Europe. After the HRE collapsed, Burgundy took it and as England invaded France, they often rebelled and joined the English or other armies, jewing them and gaining all the benefits, and when the tides turned against England, they joined France again. Thus when France won the 100 years war, they won, and these "Frankish" dukes that ruled Burgundy consolidated most of what was formerly "Lotharingia", not just the current province of Burgundy as well as Provence.
>St andrews cross, is there any symbology or why did you mention that.
It's because that was the Spanish flag during its age as a superpower. Spain, Austria, and Bohemia were all Burgundian realms in practice. Charles V even spent most of his time in the Netherlands, not Spain or modern Germany.
>The lenght of the war still doesnt make any sense to me.
It's overstretched to make it sound a lot bigger than it really was, it only took 80 years for Spain to stop claiming the Netherlands. For comparison, England claimed France for 500 years, does that mean there was some 500 year war against France? No. It wasn't actually that long of a war, most of what we call the "80 years war" lasted around 30 years in-reality.