Bernd 09/25/2020 (Fri) 06:02:23 No.40303 del
He is quite homo tbh

>Small farmers
Were those guys free (landowners) or more liek serfs (which we could call half-free).
>militia system
Tell me about that.

>but also it became more of an auxiliary force
I'm not sure when this happened, but I'm positive they were fine for a couple hundreds of years.
Sipahis were their only heavier cavalry they could field against European heavy cavalry. And those guys were the landholders. As warfare changed and evolved that component became less and less useful.
>China was not feudal
It was, great long times. I'll return to this later.
You are trying to generalize thousands of years of history btw in case of them.
And again the definition of "feudalism" isn't just "the pattern early medieval Francia set up". And I have to point back again the the Hungarian "familiarity" system I wrote about here: >>40255 Moreover Hungary remained feudal up until the second half of the 19th century, despite absolutism, bureaucracy with civil servants and whatever.