Bernd 11/13/2020 (Fri) 23:26:22 No.40973 del
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>In quality Hungarian wine is on par with any notable wine of the world, but due to the smaller market share ours are lesser known among the general populace.

>Voivode Stephen the Great of Moldavia was said to be a very big fan of Tokay wines. He introduced in Moldavia the Kövérszőlő cultivar, that lead to the development of Grasă de Cotnari wine
>Pope Pius IV. (1499–1565) at the Council of Trient in 1562, exclaimed: Summum pontificem talia vina decent! (This is the type of wine that should be on the papal table).
>Gustav III, King of Sweden, loved Tokaji – it has been said he never had any other wine to drink.
>In Russia, customers included Peter the Great and Empress Elizabeth of Russia
>Tokaji has since the 18th century been known as "Vinum Regum, Rex Vinorum" ("Wine of Kings, King of Wines"), an epithet sometimes attributed to King Louis XIV of France

Sounds breddy gud tbh