Bernd 03/08/2021 (Mon) 06:49:19 No.42838 del

The Armoured/Light Cavalry are part of Mixed combat brigades.
There are three Brigades with the same structure.

Brigade Headquarters
An Armoured/Light Calvary regiment
A Mechanised Infantry Battalion(from the Royal Australian Regiment)
A Motorised Infantry battalion(from the Royal Australian Regiment)
An Artillery Regiment
A combat Engineer Regiment
A combat Signal regiment
And a combat service support Regiment.

The one Light Infantry/Amphibious battalion is part of a separate unit entirely that is for amphibious warfare.

>The last point makes me wonder why the armoured/light horse regiments mix tracked and wheeled vehicles. Clearly those APCs aren't just for recon, since they're in a 2:1 ration to tanks, and yet following tanks on roads wastes their superior mobility and they can't follow in some difficult terrains. Why not mix M113s and Abrams?

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