Bernd 08/20/2021 (Fri) 14:00:55 No.44799 del
>What isn't clear: where the money comes from?
Founders, people who want their bags to be constantly pumped by posters. Anybody can become a founder.
>I post because I like to post.
Same, except I want to post all day, so I need shitposting to become a job, a source of income
>the mechanism or the codebase
Well, I was trying to make it as close to state of art solidity as possible, but probably failed. Anyway, it's better than at least 99,9% of solidity you can see on the blockchain, staking contract specifically. Cheapest token to trade also, well, many things.
Humanness is the only metric which could allow for creation of anonymous sybil-resistant oracles