Dutch bend eatenings: Italiphobia and Hungary Bernd 01/22/2022 (Sat) 01:04:06 No.46186 del
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>1) Pizza from an Italian restaurant
I didn't like it. I thought the pidza dough was too dry. And everything was too under flavored. Mayb it was because of the place I was in. Maybe I should go to another place

>2) Pidza from a store
Now this I actually liked tbh. Will be buying more pidza from store soon

>3) Making sum Chicken paprika
I made this in a rush the other day. I raly liked using paprika. It made the chicken taste a lot better IMHO. It was really tangy and somewhat sweet. So I haev some paprika around in the kitchen just in case I wanna make something like that again. I liekd it.