Bernd 01/09/2023 (Mon) 13:38 No.49614 del
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I actually like this show. It's silly, the acting seems a bit over the top (but maybe it seems so because its Japanese), but I enjoy the overall mood and the calmness it gives, and I do learn about sumo.
There is an important romantic thread in it, it is done in a bit childish way - again probably for this is a Jap product - and kinda endearing, and it rounds up the personalities of the characters. I like that they lose all their matches, so it's not like "I learnt an important lesson and now I can beat my opponent" style. I also like the settings, maybe I should watch more Jap movies or telly shows.
I don't really have anything to complain about. Maybe I could say why "this and that" isn't in it, but then I could just pick something else if I wanted those. It's liek if I wanted to see gunfights I could pick an action movie instead.
This also made me now remember I should stream Shaolin Soccer.