Bernd 05/07/2023 (Sun) 09:47 No.50203 del
(270.51 KB 844x1266 the-raid-redemption.jpg)
So we watched The Raid Redemption yesterday. Apparently quite a few guests have seen it and had very positive opinion about it.
It is a good action movie. I did not like the initial shooting part.

>It is one of the lowest rated movies
>Did not like it.
Unexpexted turn of events...
>Amazing Bulk
I might hit that up.
I dl'd some new fantasy movie, it's DnD based. I guess it was inevitable at this point they make a movie in that setting. Wait DnD isn't a setting.
Anyway the woke must love it like Shadowrun due to all the diversity and the morals they can teach based on that.