Bernd 07/02/2024 (Tue) 15:37 No.52146 del
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Orbán is visiting Zelensky today in Kiev. The main apropos of the event is the Hungarian presidency of the EU. Is the presidency matters?
>The presidency of the Council of the European Union rotates among the 27 EU member states every six months. The country holding the presidency guides the work of the Council and represents all member states in negotiations with other EU institutions
You be the judge.
But Orbán went to Kiev because the situation of Ukraine is very important for the EU. There were already preparations of this meeting way beforehand I noted on this board when our Foreign Minister went to the neighbour and they agreed on a meeting. So this visit shouldn't be much of a surprise.
Orbán said why not make a cease fire. The peace process is long, just stop fighting for a bit, this will quicken the process. Or something similar other load of nonsense. If Ukrainians stop fighting that doesn't stop Russians fighting. Tell it to Putin too. Then make that "you first" game. So I think what he said was stupid as fuck.
Zelensky said he is glad Hungary attended the "peace summit", and signed whatever was agreed on, that 2-3 points of the proposed 10.
I wonder if they talked anything worthwhile at all. I don't even know what could that be.