Bernd 08/29/2024 (Thu) 13:19 No.52371 del
I regularly see that channel be recommended to me, I don't remember if I have watched anything they made or not. There are many channels that look like that and I don't really watch them so it's hard to tell them apart.

Russian's aren't really European.

Longbows are good weapons, they are fast firing and powerful so they can cut down cavalry charges by shooting the horses out from under them.
It's more about culture than anything else, the English had a culture of Archery that Europe didn't. Villages and towns had communal archery grounds that people would gather at to practice, kind of like a sport or a social venue(The king also made this longbow practice mandatory at some point).

The French did have Scottish long bowman fight for them and they also tried implementing an English style of training for archers where they got villages to train with them and made them liable to be called up in times of war. I don't know if these French Longbowmen were ever used in combat though.