仲間 05/11/2017 (Thu) 00:49:09 No. 81 del
(5.15 MB 320x240 andou san.webm)
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>I guess the /a/

NO, /a/ does not love Jap culture, /a/ are just 2d obsessed homos and recluses. Maybe in the old days back when people used to make fun of faggots like Andou along with other waifu fags. Back when people would revolt against the mods for posting crap like Lucky Shit.

>My dream is to be a female (trap) idol

HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Gays are not mainstream over there outside of Otaku circles. Also not all cities allow gays to marry. You'd be subjecting yourself to some extreme hells in a foreign xenophobic coutnry.

Unless you're bi, but then that means you'd break a poor girl's heart with your faggotry.