coindarwin web3 academy Rogerbrito 07/26/2024 (Fri) 05:07 Id: baa5c0 No.1354 del
The Story Regarding Solana Founder Toly Yakovenko’s Accomplishment
Subsequent to Two Cups of Coffees plus a Pint
Yakovenko, the brainchild behind Solana, started his quest with an ordinary practice – coffee and beer. Unbeknownst to him, these moments would spark the wheels of his destiny. Currently, Solana exists as an influential contender in the blockchain world, boasting a market cap in the billions.

First Sales of Ethereum ETF
The Ethereum ETF recently started with a substantial volume of trades. This landmark occasion witnessed various spot Ethereum ETFs from several issuers commence trading on American exchanges, introducing extraordinary activity into the generally calm ETF trading market.

SEC Sanctions Ethereum ETF
The Commission has sanctioned the Ethereum ETF for being listed. As a crypto asset with smart contracts, Ethereum is expected to have a profound impact the digital currency industry thanks to this approval.

Trump's Crypto Maneuver
As the election approaches, Trump positions himself as the 'Crypto President,' frequently displaying his support for the cryptocurrency industry to gain voters. His tactic contrasts with Biden's tactic, seeking to capture the focus of the cryptocurrency community.

Elon Musk's Impact
Elon, a notable figure in the cryptocurrency space and a backer of Trump, caused a stir again, boosting a meme coin associated with his antics. His engagement keeps influencing market dynamics.

Binance Updates

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