とちゃき 07/14/2020 (Tue) 21:06:26 No.157548 del
(48.84 KB 200x304 ninnikuaji.jpeg)
>that reminded me of the Chrono series by chance when you told me "Monkey Island".
ごめん良く分からない。 Are you asking about the "atmosphere" (the general "mood", 雰囲気) of the game? 一般にMonkey Islandの雰囲気はより滑稽と思う

>Conversely, with favorite things, it can sublimate any entertainment to somethings... Just in my opinion.
True. It is easier to find motivation on enjoyable hobbies.

>As far as I conversed with you, I guess you'll be fine.
>when dislike studing? Say it in a loud voice, "ONORE!!" laughing!

>Drawing as memory day finished chapter of "Six Spears of Omega Centauri" in Kinnikuman.
When I first read the name "Kinnikuman" I thought "Ninnikuman"
then I discovered that he eats ninniku to gain propelling power of flatulence lol

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