Anonymous 08/25/2016 (Thu) 13:39:05 No. 109 del
07:17 -!- Irssi: Join to #darkplaces was synced in 1 secs
07:19 < unixuser> Xonotic stand alone mod:
07:19 < unixuser> Has reached release 93. Over 100 weapons, city generation, buildable buildings (like RTS) and
furnishings, spell casting, medeval weaps, futuristic weaps, modern weaps, foliage system,
nukes, etc etc. Thoughts?
07:20 -!- Blub\w [~wry@] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
07:22 < Diablo-D3> dunno why'd you make a xonotic mod
07:29 -!- Lava_Croft [~LC@] has joined #darkplaces
07:37 < Space_Man> thanks mikee
07:38 < Diablo-D3> sigh is that mikee? =/
07:41 < unixuser> Diablo-D3: maybe because divverent coded the base features that were needed for the mod into
xonotic at the beginning of the mod?
07:41 < Diablo-D3> yeah but like, why not just make your own game?
07:41 < unixuser> the rest of the mod is a simple extention
07:42 < unixuser> I don't know, maybe because I was working on things for nexuiz/etc for 10 years...
07:42 < unixuser> (since 2006 atleast)
07:42 < unixuser> maybe I go with what I know...

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