Violated Hero 08/05/2019 (Mon) 03:05:41 Id: 2ba717 No.1202 del
Captcha down on 8ch. Copying and pasting meta thread OP contents in the mean time.

8chan NEWS
>DDoS protection from CloudFlare going under at 12:00 EST tonight: ready the bunker.
>Hotwheels to assist /leftypol/ in migration should the site go under. He is currently taking questions about 8chan in general:
>Sadpanda died but revived soon after. Uncertain future.

/monster/ NEWS
>KC making a new World Guide for Comiket

>Rapid series of shootings brings heat to 8chan.
>Comiket starting up in a couple of days.
>Japan begins human-animal testing.
>KyoAni attacked by arsonist.

Any other news to add?