Balrog Admin 01/03/2016 (Sun) 21:52:51 Id: c3a6b3 No. 62 del
While from that thread I can tell that the owner of 8/monster/ linked to endchan, I can't definitively determine if the owner of this /monster/ is indeed the same Aux as the one who made that thread. Ya feelin' me?

What you do to claim a board is:
>go to
>log in if you aren't logged in already
>take a screencap of that shit, making sure to include the "Welcome, accountname" line at the top (use Snipping Tool, scrot, Grabber, etc)
>make a post on your 8chan board with your BO capcode ("## Board Owner" goes in the name field) with that screencap as an attachment
>make a new post on the endchan board you want to claim with a link to the 8chan post you just made
>let an admin know (best way right now is
>wait for someone with globalmod rights to transfer the board to your account
Edited last time by Balrogwashere on 01/03/2016 (Sun) 21:53:19.