Aux #Vq9L3n 01/26/2016 (Tue) 17:30:33 Id: 24e1fb No. 775 del
man all those people choosing vichan are disappointing, theres also a lack of proper mod tools and bad lag. also from a friend on discord he mentioned this neat piece of info. that made infinity never

XXX - Today at 11:20 AM
Can't even use the code because AGPL
Waffles the Faggot - Today at 11:20 AM
what happened now?
lamens terms please
XXX - Today at 11:20 AM
Basically, the AGPL is a license that demands you release all the source code used in software used over a network
Waffles the Faggot - Today at 11:20 AM
i knew it
XXX - Today at 11:20 AM
using AGPL code would mean they'd have to release the soruce code for their ad software, and Jim isn't okay with that
this was all a gigantic waste of time and money
Waffles the Faggot - Today at 11:21 AM

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