Rose ~ 04/09/2017 (Sun) 14:16:06 No. 42 del
Thanks for your post. I'm happy you take some time to educate me.

I understand what you are saying except
>because the BO doesn't want to lose its owners
Why someone would be like that I don't understand.

The thing is, on 8chan, if you have a board you have a board, you only need to not post cp and for the rest you're free do to as you wish. On the frontpage here it says, "Here anyone can run their own boards. The only three global rules are: (...)", so I thought it would be the same. I expected some spam and harassment but not people getting mad about their post being deleted or talking about free speech (I find it interesting how such people always think free speech means that they can prevent others from expressing their views but not others them).

I was not interested in creating a board with free speech but rather a board without harassment towards transwomen. Also not really meant for discussion, just so that when 8chan goes down and transwomen browsing chans look for another place they can find something.

I can see that some people would say that if I ban people for hating on transwomen then I am violating their right to free speech. I would say that freedom of speech is important but there are also other important things, like having a place where you can talk without being harassed.

Endchan sounds like a great place but if shitposting like what people did here is common then it is not a good place for /mtf/, sadly.

>This exactly I wanted to know, where are you from.
I would not say that I am from somewhere, rather that I use some places more than others. Reddit is fundamentally flawed I think but it has its advantages sometimes. Imageboards are not fundamentally flawed but can suck just as much as reddit when the coder is a lazy shit or when the owner sells user data or is just an asshole.

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