Anonymous 04/09/2017 (Sun) 17:27:22 No. 54 del
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>because the BO doesn't want to lose its owners
By owners I meant users. Sorry for the inconvenience. Not a native in English.

>I was not interested in creating a board with free speech but rather a board without harassment towards transwomen. Also not really meant for discussion, just so that when 8chan goes down and transwomen browsing chans look for another place they can find something.

If you are not interested in creating a board with truly free speech then you should restrict the content you don't want your board to have. And before enforcing your unwritten rules, you should let other anons know what is not okay to post. The more transparent you are, the more trust you will gain as a BO.
I assume that you are still quite new, so to make board better for everybody, you should make a sticky and or locked post with the rules you want to be enforced. Just to name a few to give an example:

1. No shitposting or post with no content or serious discussion. This includes one sentence insult posts.
2. No bullying, bullying is never cool.
3. Even if you disagree, please be respectful of other posters.

This way you can give rational and logical reasons why a person was banned or his/her post was removed. The way you have been handling things for the past 2 hours have been problematic and caused even more unnecessary friction with those who posted here, just because you disagreed with them or thought they were mean. I mean how would they know that what they posted and said was wrong when there was no rules given?

>I can see that some people would say that if I ban people for hating on transwomen then I am violating their right to free speech. I would say that freedom of speech is important but there are also other important things, like having a place where you can talk without being harassed.

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