>abortions bad even though it kills niggers >niggers bad even though they shoot niggers >spics bad even though they torture and kill spics >koreans bad even though they hate china >china bad even though they genocide muslims >muslims bad even though they kill homosexuals and hate jews >homosexuals bad even though they infect faggots with aids and wreck their anuses >jews bad even though they are trying to kill off the white race >killing of white race bad even though it also means killing off white women >white women bad even though they wash estrogen from pills down the drain >estrogen in the water bad even though it makes boys into cute femboys >femboys bad even though they reduce competition for women >women bad even though they make trannies seethe >trannies bad even though they kill themselves and they also make real women seethe >women seething bad even though it upsets simps >simps bad even though they re-distribute money in economy away from horny retards >horny retards bad even though they are the only ones left making babies