Reader 01/22/2024 (Mon) 01:24 Id: 54233a No.21958 del
Spain flag anon. Yes, I remember you. You and Slovak anon are occasionally at /pol/ and never start shit with the board. I respect both of you when many jewish shills attempt to spread their agendas at that board but you're not them. Your heads are always in the right place. What I meant was a lack of regular posters of /news/ content. Threads.

killcen posted regularly for awhile, so I backed off and let him do his thing. When that slowed down, I had to keep this board going.

The complaint /news/ is too much like /pol/ isn't valid anyway. Jews need to be exposed because as you know while others do not, they are the major cause of world problems. My only news links are about exposing kikeroaches. It's a fact not covered by the mainstream because (((they))) own it. When not headed by a jewish CEO, an MSM org is then owned by majority shares and forced ESG (diversity) scores of (((BlackRock))). This of course you already know. The explanation is for anyone else.