BRICS Announces Plan To Dump US Dollar And Replace Western SWIFT Payment System Reader 03/01/2024 (Fri) 15:12 Id: f7849f No.22283 del
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BRICS Announces Plan To Dump US Dollar And Replace Western SWIFT Payment System

Finance Ministers of the BRICS nations, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, met along with the Finance Ministers of other new BRICS member nations, in Sao Paulo, Brazil today.

Russia’s Finance Ministry along with the Central Bank of Russia will propose several new financial initiatives to BRICS. The proposal aims to improvise and change the international monetary and global financial system as we know it.

Russia will particularly focus on creating a new digital BRICS Bridge payment platform which will be a multisided option to the US dollar. The development is currently in draft and could be proposed at the next summit in October 2024.

This new digital BRICS Bridge payment platform would replace the SWIFT system, used by the US and most other developed nations.

Once this new system is in place, the US will no longer be able to us the Dollar as a weapon for economic sanctions.

Countries will be able to ignore US sanctions, ignore the US congress, and the US will see all the world's Central Banks, start sending US cash back to the USA because they won't need it anymore.

When those dollars start flooding back to the US, the value of OUR currency will drop compared to foreign currencies.

All this because the people elected to go to Washington DC refuse to mind their own business. They have interfered with so many countries, on so many issues, for so long, the rest of the world is telling us to go away - and to take our Dollars with us.

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