There is No Usury on Nibiru. As the Top Race of Earth, Whites are Antiusury.
08/25/2024 (Sun) 12:09
Id: f93489
>>22838Well said brother. For me it just made me think about February 24th 1920 when Adolf and his friends went to confront the communists on that great day. Those times were so much more genteel, and also brash. What a great scene it must have been, as those brave men walked right into the tavern and stood along the edges of the room, ready to do verbal and mental and physical warfare with the scum of Germany. It was a different time, but can anyone blame me if I would like America to show the same desire for truth that Germans had? Indeed one of the points they had written up was to end Jewish control of the media, and today the jews run all our media and screech and shed tears if you even point that out. One look at that fat chunk who ran Fox network and ..well ANY of them for that matter, any jewish turd in media looks like some sort of bog-spawned creature. I pray to almighty God and Nibiru (a world where there is no usury at all) that some day Americans will have free speech and will be able to confront communists.