Reader 10/14/2024 (Mon) 14:18 Id: 3c356e No.23016 del
I used to use the Internet Archive to store and share some of my favorite older media and scraped website backups. Very glad I never used my real email address and only used a disposable email account not linked to me personally. Another good reason to use opsec and have multiple offline backups of all your files.

As I mentioned on /b/ where this thread was mirrored I do think this is probably more likely a State-backed cyber attack. Why would hackers attack something as innocent as Internet Archive, when the only purpose would be to intimidate people and censor undesirable media & information. Who does that, typically...? I think we all know by now Zionist-occupied governments are the number one culprits of intimidation and censorship. The empire of lies will blame it on random hackers but this massive cyber attack still glows and glows hard.