11/02/2024 (Sat) 14:09
Id: bbaf73
Ah, I enjoy so much every time Kissinger is brought up like he's some kind of fountain of wisdom or something. The kike ate his own nose goblins. Anyway, Kamala's campaign also raised funds to create a Fortnite map named Freedom Town where players are not allowed to have guns, which leaves only destroying buildings and looting.
1 billion dollars. People are struggling to make ends meet in this shit economy with the inflation of utility bills and food. This cunt raises 1 billion for a shitty Fortnite map. And yes, I know Trump's a deceiving kike. I'm one of those who frequently informs people here whether they want to know or not. Still. I hope someone Fortnites that silly bitch. Fuck both parties. I hope they all rot in hell. [Embed]