Anonymous 02/05/2017 (Sun) 07:13:36 No. 13 del
You put too much emphasis on the meme aspect of communities. I am also of the opinion that lainchan is far from ideal. Could you please outline how you plan on staying objective in moderation, also, why the name nuchannel? I like the sound of endchan better, for example.
Defining the normie phenomenon is difficult and clearly identifying it's presence is important for an anonymous image board. Banning and removing posts is not the cure; dedicated anons posting to create an atmosphere that encourages quality posting is what matters in the long term. That said, if i really knew how to bring the quality anons with the good posts; i would make my own image board. And if i ever came across an image board where i don't have to sift through rubbish just to find the one or two good posts/threads, then, i would surely end my nomad ways.

>The goal of this Imageboard is not to be funny; with humor comes shitposting
You can't stop humor regardless of your personal goals. Limiting posting is dangerous. Humor can be used to remove the normals but i agree that it can also lead to a board becoming shitpost À la carte. Still, there are anon shitposts and normie shitposts and this is where many communities with good intentions go wrong.