Anonymous 01/31/2017 (Tue) 14:08:47 No. 3 del
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Are those guidelines for community or a basis for eventual rules? Remember: people who desire moddom are usually the least qualified for quality control and true nature of imageboard culture doesn't even allow to predict what will end up being shit even if it starts as total shit.
All the bad things you've listed can be regulated by users denying attention, creative mockery and local population of trolls. If you won't aim at that and relegate responsibilities to mod team you're heading for failure.
Don't ban a medium for joke. Everything can be made funny. Ultimately being funny is the responsibility of the users and you can't force them to be.
Reclaiming what made 4chan great is going to be hard. 4chan happened because the makeup of the internet was different. I'd probably take youtube around 2007 over any imageboard today.

>anything hiroyuki
pls no