Anonymous 10/16/2019 (Wed) 02:57:34 No.10727 del
I lean toward freedom of speech as an ideal worth striving for. However, we don't live in an ideal world. In what passes for our flaky reality, freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. The freedom crusaders do no one any favors by openly inviting the powers that be to action. Running a supposed crusade by posting such contemporary violent content on Endchan is not striking a victory for freedom of speech. All it will accomplish is to strike down Endchan. The consequences will be paid, directly by the site owners and operators, indirectly by we, the users.

With all that is obscene, droll, meaningless, quasi-legal, innocuous, or occasionally useful, Endchan offers a fair bit of other content which should be preserved. The pragmatic approach is to keep what we may, and drop what endangers the rest. No one has to like it. Everyone has to live it, and most of us aren't here to fight a crusade.

If possible, allow linking to said content offsite. Said sites have the time, talent, and money to fight the good fight of cat and mouse with the authorities. If even offsite linking is too much, go ban happy, and may God be with you.

That is all I have to say on the matter. I turn now my thoughts to deeper, curvier, bouncier, more sublime issues.