Anonymous Global volunteer 01/22/2020 (Wed) 17:41:27 No.10916 del
Yesterday someone spammed the boards and since we had look through boards to find these posts we did a general look around and cleanup too. The thread you are referring to was deleted in this cleanup by my fellow global (by ecco, my username is Shiban).
He said earlier the thread had lot of bestiality. The legality of "zoo porn" as you called it in the United States is regulated on a by state basis. Since we are talking distribution in some states it is legal, in some it isn't, others has no specific regulation but that doesn't mean a judge can't and won't punish it.
So while specifically it isn't in our global rules, it falls under the illegal content.
We had a similar case with /zoo/ here: >>10810
You will aslo find a map there (from Wikipedia) showing the legality in the different states.

I understand deleting the content upset the Anons. I can advice to post only drawn pornographic content in this genre.
Of course I notified ecco, maybe he will have more to add.

I appreciate you turned to us with the question. In the future we try to contact you first if something comes up.