Christian moderator on /pol/ banning posts discussing the Jewish Torah Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 04:10 No.19444 del
Here are some posts from this Christian moderator:

User AdolfHitler banned the posters of the following posts: 94363 from board /pol/ with reason "That's 2 days now. You're going to stop believing the jewish Torah is real and not theft, or this only increases every time.".

The "Torah" claim is a jew deceit.
The bible has never belonged to jews. Neither has their stolen title of Israelite

The Codex Sinaiticus is the oldest hard evidence of the New Testament. The Septuagint is the oldest hard evidence of the Old Testament. They're both in Greek. So when kikes claim Hebrew was the origin - they're lying their asses off. The kikes' "proof" of the Hebrew origin are the forged "Dead Sea Scrolls" made with shoe leather and animal glue.

I'm considering outlawing any discussion of the Old Testament or New Testament on this board.

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