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Anonymous 07/06/2018 (Fri) 19:43:18 [Preview] No. 9449
Are proxies banned here now? I can't post via my vpn.
I really really don't want to go back to 8chan and Mewch is nice but has no board creation.
My vpn is betternet.

Anonymous 07/06/2018 (Fri) 20:14:23 [Preview] No.9450 del
You just have to enter a "block bypass" captcha for VPN and Tor IPs. The reason is to help prevent bot spamming from these proxies.

Anonymous 07/06/2018 (Fri) 21:57:47 [Preview] No.9451 del

Anonymous 07/06/2018 (Fri) 22:05:06 [Preview] No.9452 del
I have a private VPN and it works fine for me. Plus I don't use Google Chrome I use Firefox instead. It could just be a problem with your browser.

Anonymous 07/06/2018 (Fri) 23:01:27 [Preview] No.9453 del
That's the dns, not the VPN, unless the VPN has blocked us, but this site performs no such blocking. Try using the VPN with dnscrypt.

Anonymous 07/08/2018 (Sun) 14:35 [Preview] No.9458 del
I would not be surprised a "free" VPN service blocks sites like this. As they say, "nothing is really free" so beware of those "free" VPNs as they might be honeypots set up by some alphabet agency.

My private VPN service is cheap as fuck and I have not been blocked once, I can shut it on or off when I desire, or change my IP any time I choose. No logging policies and military grade end-to-end encryption included with the private VPN service. Well worth the measly cash spent.

Anonymous 07/17/2018 (Tue) 05:18 [Preview] No.9461 del
that spam is hilarious tho
it only ever effects /pol/ and they always shit their pants over it

Anonymous 07/20/2018 (Fri) 00:45 [Preview] No.9465 del
>tranny dick spam pissed off people on many boards across endchan
>it only "effects" /pol/

Anonymous 07/25/2018 (Wed) 04:37 [Preview] No.9491 del
THIS. The same tranny spammer began wrecking /b/ recently, after trying to wreck /news/ and a few other boards too. This spammer is an asshole, he is not funny, he deliberately wrecks boards and sabotages any conversation likely because he's too autistic to create a conversation himself. If you dare trigger the spammer, he'll spam dicks all over the thread. If you try holding a debate, same fiasco will likely unfold. If you speak your mind and he even thinks you are criticizing him, he'll spam more dicks. If you try to counter or report his spam, he'll just spam more and more until his proxy IP ranges are banned. Its not funny, there is nothing humorous about being such a spastic lunatic.

Anonymous 07/26/2018 (Thu) 14:34 [Preview] No.9498 del
I just saw him spamming /AM/ the other day. Did report it to their BO. I don't know why he is so obsessed with male genitalia - perhaps he really is just gay - but he just likes posting sick pics and ruining threads. Also, the guy actually claims he works for an intel agency who is "monitoring" us. So he could be crazy or perhaps he is some kind of JTRIG psyop trying to destroy his alleged "enemies" while leaching off the very taxpayers he seems to hate. Either way, sad.

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