Endwall 01/03/2021 (Sun) 05:13:55 No.1591 del
I'm on my OpenBSD computer running tor-browser from pkg_add in xenocara running fvwm. I've been running OpenBSD for about a week now, and it hasn't crashed yet. GNU/Linux on the other hand crashes 3-4 times per day forcing system restarts. I think I'll spend more time over on OpenBSD moving forward. I'll still be using Linux, because I have it set up where everything I use on a daily basis works (except for the crashing and lockups) and is at arm's reach, whereas OpenBSD has limitations for packages and drivers and leaves me without certain capacities. However for text based messaging (irssi, profanity, mutt, links2, etc) its probably the best all round platform to work off of / start with.

I don't trust the Linux ecosystem (Arch, Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora Derivatives) or the Linux kernel anymore, and I want to work on old non-x86 hardware (Sparc, Alpha) when working on sensitive things. For watching TV on endstream, Linux is just fine, but for secure messaging it's not. I've lost interest in GNU/Linux... it's basically windows 98 tier in terms of stability and "Just trust me" in terms of security. My go forward plan is to migrate my servers to OpenBSD and proxy MS DOS or FreeDOS through an OpenBSD firewall/proxy/tor proxy machine.

I don't want multi-tasking on my main system. I only want to have to check 2-3 programs for issues and have 1 program active on stack memory (The program I'm currently using) not 200 process in the background. That's fine for a multi-user server, but doesn't make any sense for my security/privacy model. This means I will be mostly restricted to text mode applications, which is fine by me.

Winter Semester for school will be starting for me soon, so I'll be back to the grind again, bogged down by assignments, with limited time for development. I'll be spending my free time reading OpenBSD man pages and materials and doing system administration tasks. I'll be around but, as has been mentioned before, this board is unfortunately inactive and consists of more or less just me, and my occasional posts. If you guys want to start security threads about topics of interest to you feel free to do so.
Edited last time by Endwall on 01/03/2021 (Sun) 05:22:32.