Endwall 06/01/2017 (Thu) 04:49:10 No. 931 del

Luckily this was about a Windows 10 driver supplied with OEM HP computers, written by crap programers outsourced from India. However that said, I don't trust pulseaudio.

One computer can't do it all. You can't be gaming and browsing and encrypting and watching videos and music while emailing and instant messaging with everything else with a full desktop like KDE or Gnome, all on one computer if you want to avoid problems.

Most people seem to be getting on in life just fine with Windows 10, Mac OS X 10.11, smart tv's, Android and iPhones, Wifi and Smart Tablets.

And yes it's infuriating; terrorists, drug dealers, and criminals in gangs are running free watching porn on Windows 10 and I'm locked in my room playing with Unix and Linux and it's barely working. While they be flossing with dollar bills and hos dancing with Windows 10 and rap music playing in the background.

I'm 90% sure that I'm being keylogged right now. I'm not sure of the source of the problem, probably some jpeg,mp3 or webm i looked at on Endchan or a malware package i've pulled in from the Parabola repo. I'm going to have to wipe and reinstall and redesign my internal network. I'm not sure if I can reuse this computer because of the ME problem or if it's going into the trash bin, the BIOS is probably infected by now.

Secure computing feels like a problem that should have already been solved like a decade ago.

But I've inherited this disaster so I plan on trying to mitigate it.