Meme Druid 01/03/2016 (Sun) 22:23:09 Id: 4b2c12 No. 2 del
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Q. How can I honor my Ancestors?

A. First off, be the strongest version of yourself you can be. Be the glorious version of yourself that your ancestors KNOW you can be. Lift weights. Being /fit/ is the difference between a LARPer and an authentic Druid. Women should not view themselves as exempt from this, but as being a cut above other weak Women not able to protect their children or themselves. View your physical fitness as an act of meditation. Acting mindfully is key -- Don't forget that your ancestors are watching you. They may not have eyes to literally spy on you, but they can feel when you're being a weak quitter, a depressed faggot or a defeatist loser. You may fail repeatedly in life, but you must always get back up. Be strong and feel them urging you onwards. You can always be better. The blood of Vikings, Legionaries, Spartans, and Druids is within you.

Secondly, find masculine or feminine dignity, and do not make your forebears ashamed of you. While it's true that too much conformity to traditional roles stagnates, we have seen first hand that the degeneracy of liberal feminist societies leads to their total and irreversible destruction. Women cannot discard their femininity and try to perform as Men, and Men cannot discard their masculinity and try to perform as Eunuchs. Find a balance between individuality and some masculine or feminine pride.

Lastly, learn all you can about your kin. Try to nurture closer bonds to your living relatives such as distant relations. Include honoring your ancestors through your sacrifices and prayers and in your thoughts on holidays.