Meme Druid 01/03/2016 (Sun) 22:25:39 Id: 4b2c12 No. 3 del
Q. Druids and Meme Magic?

A. Don't be too stuck up, nigga. Remember to enjoy dank memes and enjoy them often. You should act mindfully to take Meme Magic as a literal truth, and look for signs of it working in the world. You are a Druid of the Gods, and Meme Magic is how you use the inspiration of the spiritual world to manifest physical results in our world. The Gods are entities of pure spiritual energy with no body. They act through inspiration in us, and memes are one way to give them our spiritual energy and in turn shape our reality.

It takes nothing to be skeptical about Meme Magic, but it does nothing but rob you of an opportunity to see first hand the Gods working in our world. Whether or not you believe in it, our enemies do, and are using it against us right now.

They sleeplessly work towards our destruction using every tool at their disposal, and magic is one of their most subtle -- and effective -- tools. Shitposting is not just fun, it is a Divine Mandate. :^)