Meme Druid 01/10/2016 (Sun) 18:17:58 Id: c0d914 No. 9 del

>Hate to start another "how white am I?" discussion

I very much doubt that. A mixed person who doesn't look mixed only feels the need to announce he's mixed if he's looking to stir up D&C about Greeks, Spaniards, or Slavs not being white.

You self-identify as mixed (ever so hypothetically), so you're (ever so hypothetically) mixed.

To question your own white identity is to not have any white identity. Smarter way to do this D&C would be to just claim to be fully Greek and identify as white and try to get other people to say Greeks aren't white. But you'd be fishing in empty waters since no one has come to Endchan yet.

There are two requirements in being white without using DNA testing.
1) Be accepted as a white person by other whites.
2) Accept yourself as a white person.

Since you don't even accept yourself, no one else is going to accept you.