David Irving Thread Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 02:32:46 Id: b790ad No.10 del
This thread is dedicated to David Irving. David Irving was a historian cut from the same thread as Herodotus. Informally educated; yet thorough in a way formal academics were not, the work of Irving has done much to repair the honor and legacy of National Socialist and especially Wehrmacht members.

Though far from a National Socialist and by his own claim, 1/4 jewish, Irvings works are the foundation of WWII revisionist history. His writing style unfortunately tends toward narrative rather than classical academic material which is why his writing is most aptly compared to pre enlightenment European historians who wrote in a similar style. This makes for easy reading with easily digestible redpills.

I'll start with his 'Churchill's War' volume which investigates the roll that Churchill and his policies had on creating WWII.