Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 18:28:16 Id: 97c4ce No.22 del
Now for some of his more controversial books, especially among National Socialists.

>The Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor
Although not the first to look into Hitler's medical care throughought the war, Irving may have been the first to do so without obvious propaganda implications. His conclusions were nonetheless daming.
TL;DR kike doctors are not an exception

>The Morgenthau Plan.
Likely the first publication of the actual Morgenthau plan, this work struck international jewry to the core, detailing their exact plans to disenfranchise and genocide Germans post war, which the did. This version is in German and the only English translation I can find is excerpts.

This is largely a followup work to the Rise and Fall of the German Airforce but specific to Goring himself. This may be on of the books that solidified Goring's reputation as a fat bastard who contributed little to the German cause.

>The War Between the Generals
And excellent look at the divided perspectives and loyalties of various German generals during the war. This is a great resources for anyone arguing with retards who push the 'Hitler lost the war meme' as it details the impact his on Generals had on the progress of the war.