Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 18:38:52 Id: 9ba8b1 No.23 del
Next up are some of Irvings best known works

>Hess the Missing Years
Explores what Hess was up to after surrendering himself to the English. Like some of his other works, the information he uncovered proved damning for ongoing post war allied propaganda interests.

>Goebbels the Mastermind of the Reich
A good exploration of the role that Goebbels played in the Third Reich.

>Nuremburg The Last Battle
In my own opinion, this is the most important book that Irving wrote. It examined the conditions of the Nuremburg trials, the testimony of witnesses and ultimately proves the logical invalidity of the verdicts reached.

>Hitler's War
I think this was the last hurrah for Irving. A very long and entirely detailed work, Irving did everything he could to record the impact Hitler had on the second world war. In doing so he dispels countless allied myths about the man through his usual methodology. Great stuff all around.