Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 00:19:05 Id: 50ad34 No.4 del
Next up, Oswald Mosely a British Fascist of impeccable honor. Despite massive Jewish infiltration of the UK, he stood stalwart and led his black shirts on many occasion through the streets of London in defense of pure Anglo traditions.

Surviving the war, he continued the fight but was never successful in Parliament. Nonetheless he was definitively influential on right wing movements which developed over the following decades. One can certainly hear his rhetoric and charisma in Enoch Powell's now banned 'Rivers of Blood' speech and he is certainly one of the best spoken English speaking fascists.

>My Life
A bibliography with great depth and insight into Mosley's family background, upbringing and influence. An entirely British read throughout.
>The Alternative
A hard critique of British governmental policies postwar policies and addresses many of the issues European politicians as a whole were facing due to communism and geopolitics with an obviously British influence.
>The Ten Points of Fascism.
Similar to Goerballs Nazi-Sozi this pamphlet attempts to simplistically yet assertively layout the Fasicst worldview. An extremely brief read; yet direct and compelling it still makes a great propaganda resource and example.
>Tomorrow We Live
Simliar to his much later work 'The Alternative', Tomorrow We Live is a straightforward fascist policy approach to the British empier circa 1938. Detailed yet easy to read, this is one of the best works you can find addressing the British Fascist worldview immediately before the war.