Anonymous 10/24/2018 (Wed) 16:49:11 Id: 5a0313 No.720 del
I have seen witch women and girls wear these black lace choker kind of lodge necklaces (minus the barrel) like the one in pic related. but the triangle necklace too? How many trinkets do you need to mark sex slave as property? Burn her skin too brand her with an eyeball for good measure. cuckfaced faggot making her wear the full rainbow of sex bracelets in order to plunge her head in the bathtub as she is being raped and then makes her make eyeball doodles to understand her threat of eyes open mind closed. Probably Crying as he rapes this child because he thinks the eyeball art is so beautiful. This is sick.Is this a sra victim? Look what she is drawing eyeballs all over the place.