Anonymous 03/23/2019 (Sat) 08:23:19 Id: 6fc715 No.818 del
(387.81 KB 929x469 dhdjh.png)
(404.13 KB 776x547 kr.png)
(351.21 KB 1004x501 gh.png)
(591.77 KB 1147x530 wood.png)
that is a spectacular tidbit anon I am sorry for talking like such a smart alec. I really was just speculating I apologize the reality is bad enough I can't be making definitive statements like that when I only am aware of it (elites sacrificing people then going back to their day jobs etc.)via spoken knight ministries a youtuber for fucks sakes. I don't know what the hell is goin on lol.various ultimate truths I may be oblivious to.I get manic when I dig on instagram because its so vast I am gonna simply have to record the screen with ffmpeg to show what its like scrolling and seeing this on the fucking instagram interface.

that is an articulate measured reflection of the event in a current context culturally. I had no idea he was into such art!