Anonymous 04/03/2019 (Wed) 12:20:31 Id: e565ed No.841 del
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i think about that and i think of the early 90's "satanic panic". Tales of masons taking kids out of school and satanic ritually abusing them. Making an army of abused kids into some sort of art collective. familial inter-generational regional satanic cartels.
I have not interacted with any cultist since @bliss.god in early 2016 and it was because it did not effect such a sociopath they kept on posting. Never interact with these people at least for fucks sakes archive all pics and try and get caption data and comments. Very good point anon
Thank you so much anon. Every little bit counts the more people digging the more shit uncovered. From dark to light exposing these fucking cretins. Seeing the dirty ways of the masonic-satanic hierarchy that overlaps our fucking systems of control and governance,