02/13/2025 (Thu) 19:42
Id: e6e588
"Goy" meaning "beast", as we are nothing but beasts to them. Jews are only sensitive to their own kind. They feel no sympathy. No compassion. One has been posting cat murder videos here. I forced myself to watch. It is the same as before when I used to force myself to endure surgical training videos. Gore. Death. Facing those realities as I had to become desensitized. Each cat death video burns indelible mental scars into my brain. Every different means of massacring a cat reminds me of how Israelis massacre Palestinians. That Israelis do not discern a difference between man, woman or child. Not even babies. I have seen the Palestinian babies they have murdered. I used to think each jew was different from another jew. How confused I was. I know the truth now. They're a hive mind. They might have different opinions, but they all feel the same. Every jew is sick and depraved in their hearts and minds. Each picture or video result of murders jews have committed sears into my brain. I mark a tally on a notebook that has no significance to anyone else. Every tally is one more kike.
They're all sadists. They all beg to receive the same treatment. There is no difference between them. I know now that this is their world. I know their desire to experience the same agonies they visit on other living beings should be granted. "Hurt my people like this", begs the jew. Their wish is my command.