Anonymous 02/25/2025 (Tue) 05:46 Id: e3f122 No.102549 del
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Oh, I have hopes. But they're delusional and I am unfortunately aware that they are delusions. The plans that consistently suggest inside my mind are, most of the time, fictional and un-achievable. Yet my mind continues to dream up even more elaborate and fictional means. Fiction is in fact lies. Nothing but imaginative lies meant to entertain the masses. That is what every sci-fi story is. Every time travel narrative. Multi-dimensional travel. Every capeshit story. Everything that never existed in the real world, as portrayed by movies and television series. I was raised on fictional entertainment media as parental substitution. The problem is, due to that upbringing of many stories of entertaining lies, I'm having trouble bringing my thoughts to match true reality while distinctly aware of my own mortality with the years ahead winding down.

I am not Superman. I am not bulletproof. I cannot craft a robot army to bare against the (((enemy))) that outnumbers us. I am a soft, squishy organism that is as easy to kill as (((they))) are. If only their enemies would realize how easy they could die.

That being so, I may never carry out a viable plan before my breath stops. All while slaving under (((their))) corporate interests. It is an unfortunate awareness and fact.