Conspiracy Theories That Have More Ground Than You Think (And Why They Might Be True) Anonymous 03/20/2025 (Thu) 17:53 Id: 20913c No.102605 del
Alright, /pol/, let’s dive into the rabbit hole. We all know conspiracies are either dismissed as crazy ramblings or accepted as gospel without question. But what about the ones that sit in the middle? The ones that, when you actually dig into them, make you go, “Huh… that’s kinda sus.”

Here’s the deal: I’m not saying any of these are 100% true, but they’re worth discussing critically. Let’s break down a few theories that have more evidence (or at least more logical holes in the official narrative) than most people realize.

1. Alternative WWII Narratives
We all know the mainstream history of WWII, but what if it’s not the full story? For example:
- Operation Highjump: Admiral Byrd’s Antarctic expedition right after the war. Officially, it was about research, but rumors suggest they were chasing Nazi remnants who fled to hidden bases. Why would the US send a massive military force to Antarctica for “science”?
- Nazi Secret Tech: There’s evidence the Nazis were working on advanced tech (e.g., the Bell Device, flying discs). Did they actually achieve something groundbreaking, and did it get swept up by the Allies or Soviets after the war?

2. **False Flags and Controlled Opposition
- Pearl Harbor: Declassified documents suggest the US had intelligence about the attack but let it happen to justify entering the war.
- 9/11: Forget the “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams” meme—look into the weird stock market activity before the attacks and the sudden collapse of WTC7.

3. The Deep State and Shadow Governments
- JFK Assassination: Oswald was a patsy, but who really pulled the strings? The CIA? The Mob? LBJ? The fact that so many witnesses died “mysteriously” after the event is… interesting.
- The Franklin Cover-Up: Allegations of high-level pedophile rings and blackmail operations involving politicians. Some of the witnesses were credible, but the story got buried.

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