Anonymous 12/06/2019 (Fri) 17:34:17 Id: c5a6e9 No.77525 del
>The Z on the wall has something to do with the tetragammon.

Remember that the Lord says, “I am the Alpha and the Omega.” The letter omega is precisely in the sexual region of that mysterious pentagram.

Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet, which coincides with the letter Z, or Zeta, which is like the rune Sig. Remember that we talked about the rune Sig.

The rune Sig is related with the Zeta, Z, and also with the S.

That is why the symbol of the fire of Kundalini, the sound of the serpent is SSSSSSSSS, whether it is an S or Z, ZZZZZZZZZZZ, which is at the very end of the Latin alphabet. This is why it is written that the Great Arcanum is A.Z.F.

A is Aleph and Alpha, which is related to all of this which we are explaining here, in synthesis: the Pentalpha, the wind, the air, the breath, the word, is aleph, which is also Alpha, the A.

Z, the last letter of the Latin alphabet, is related to the rune Sig, the fire of the Kundalini, which is enclosed within the chakra Muladhara (coccygeal chakra). This is why after the position with your hands down, you cross your hands over your sexual region to make the sign of the rune Gibur.

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