Anonymous 05/10/2020 (Sun) 12:20:14 Id: 440354 No.79727 del
(4.47 MB 854x480 129.mp4)
>I'm the banned faggot.
So you're the one defending the repeated messages spammer and calling random anons here "glow niggers". Then when every single accusation you levied was disproven, you just kept screeching "glow niggers!" and went to the other thread to invent that anons didn't have jobs because they spoke against Trump's pathetically delayed reaction to Covid-19. What the fuck is your problem? Keep that dumb shit up and you'll be banned again and deleted again.
>(((Trump's))) narrative
So you're aware Trump is a kike. What you're not reading is the post right above you that states the truth - Fort Detrick has a biological warfare laboratory. To get into more detail, China was the primary supplier of the majority of American products. I worked in retail when I was younger. Everything I stocked said "made in China" and I stocked for years before being able to afford higher education. Trump wants dependency on China to end, and then suddenly this virus "comes out of Wuhan" when on January 28th Harvard jew Dr. Charles Lieber of the Wuhan University of Technology was arrested in Boston and only one Chinese national, Zaosong Zheng, was caught trying to smuggle 21 vials of biological research into China. You think the virus is a hoax? That's Trump's narrative (a "democratic hoax") that resulted in today's total tally of 78,794 American deaths. Why would you go along with the narrative of a kike you consider to be the enemy? Here's some key information threads about Covid-19 as discovered at /news/.
And the thread you're under right now where Israeli scientists where conveniently working on a vaccine, “Let’s call it pure luck”. Yeah. Just as conveniently as they where there on 9/11 to "document the event".