Anonymous 10/06/2021 (Wed) 00:52:37 Id: ee1b69 No.85732 del
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Remember to gather numbers. Structure. Organize. Gain not just the entire nation, but more. Ally with Syria, Egypt, Iran, Turkey, the Sudan. Avoid the Saudis. They're in bed with the massive Israel's golem I live in known as the United States through billion dollar arms deals. Not so sure about how controlled Iraq is, but Al Qaeda in Afghanistan are definitely in bed with Israel. Bring heavy arms for the Palestinians to take up the fight. They would gladly. Attack very swiftly, such as a Blitzkrieg, because I can tell you the cuck nation of the U.S. will try to save Israel if you're not fast enough. Crush their false holy land of crooks QUICKLY and the jews worldwide will become disheartened. I can say all of this because I do not reside in the middle east. I'm not within that jurisdiction so fuck em.