Book-Anon #J+0Lc9 10/15/2021 (Fri) 19:32:07 Id: 3c7c2b No.85789 del
(2.66 MB 1920x1080 8chan faces.png)
The Rise and Fall of 8chan | The 'Free Speech' Imageboard which changed the Internet | Full Documentary

This film shows an example of how an online community is astroturfed, and how Jews manipulate online platforms. I have included many topics and this film is made for a broad-based audience, introducing new people to my work. It gives an overview of how the site emerged and gathered users. I've explained how Hotwheels and his Jewish employer Aaron Parnes swindled the goyim out of thousands of dollars. It also has a chapter about how 8chan had pedophile boards and stalked a young girl. It also has segments about splinter boards and alt chans. I've gone into detail about Imkampfy and his spergouts, Jim Jew, and the datamining, and wrapped it up about the fall and rebranding as 8kun. This film is composed of over 2000 photos and videos relevant to 8chan collected over the last 5 years at least.

What do you think?